Tuesday 26 August 2014

Filter and Protected Filter

Filter  and Protected Filter

Filter (Is Prompted):
Prompt Filter is applied to a report using “isPrompted”.

Example :  Lets consider we have a dashboard with a Year Prompt (Year column) and a Yearly Report.

Year Prompt does not have any selected Year unless and until user selects any year.

Yearly Report has the columns Year and Sales Volume in it. And the report has filter condition as “Year is Prompted”

Yearly prompt and report is placed in dashboard as shown below:

When dashboard is executed, Yearly prompt does not have any values selected, then by default report displays product sales volume for all the year.

When user selects any specific year in Yearly Prompt , then report displays product sales volume for the selected year.

Filter Vs Protected Filter:
Report filter can be applied using different operators like (is equal to, is not equal to, greater than, lesser than, top, bottom, isprompted, filter based on the result of another results, advanced filter can be applied with session, presentation and repository variable)

Example :  Lets consider we have a dashboard with a Year Prompt (Year column) and a Yearly Report.

Year Prompt does not have any selected Year unless and until user selects any year.

Yearly Report has the following attributes and measures: Product, Sales Volume and Year.

Yearly Report has two filter conditions:

1) Year is Prompted
2) Year between 2010 and 2012

By Default when user executes the dashboard, report displays the product sales volume for the Year : 2010, 2011 and 2012.

When user selects Year ‘2014’ in Yearly Prompt , then  report displays Product sales volume for the year that is selected in the prompt.

Even though Year between 2010 and 2012 filter is applied in the report, the report displays product sales volume for the year 2014 if the year 2014 is selected in the prompt. So, filter applied in the report can be overridden by the prompt. Due to this, it displays the product sales volume for the year 2014.

Protected Filter:

Lets consider the above scenario, a Year prompt and Yearly Sales report.

In Yearly Sales report we have attributes and measures like : Product, Sales Amount, Year
Two filters applied as above:

1) Year is prompted
2) Year between 2010 and 2012

Here in order to ensure that report filter should not be violated, we mark this filter Year between 2010 and 2012 as Protected

Year between 2010 and 2012 filter is marked as protected

The prompt and dashboard is placed as shown below:

By default, when dashboard is executed, it displays the product sales volume for the year : 2010,2011 and 2012.

But when 2009 is selected in the prompt which violates the protected filter (year between 2010 and 2012) that is given in the report, then it displays No Results.

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