Saturday, 20 September 2014

Column Selector

Column Selector

We had a requirement to add the dimensions/measures dynamically to the existing report which is selected by the user from the drop down.Using column selector the dimensions/measures that is selected by the user from the drop down is added to the report.

Column Selector:  Column Selector allows the user to add the dimension/measures dynamically with the selection of dimensions/measure from drop down.

To create a column Selector
Login into the application. Go to Analysis - Select the Subject area ->Criteria

In Criteria, create a request using the dimensions and measures. And apply the corresponding filters to the report.

Then Click Results, the report results will be displayed.

To add a column selector to the report, under result tab

Click New View -> Select Other Views -> Choose Column Selector

Column selector view appears after selecting the column selector:

Column Selector can be enabled only with the report columns. Since there are two column in the report, editing column selector view the following appears:

And as per the requirement, need to implement column selector which should have different time periods as values. For Example Year, HalfYear, Quarter, Period, Week and Day. Therefore need to check the column selector for column 1 (Quarter) which would allow us to add other time dimension attributes.

Once the include selector is enabled, drop down box appears which holds the quarter attribute as the  value.Other time dimension attributes is added to the column selector that is enabled on column 1.

Compound layout has the views like title, table and Column Selector which appears in the order they are added. Need to format or align as required.

Column Selector is placed above the table view. Just drag and drop the column selector view above the table.

The column selector and report is placed in the dashboard page as shown below:

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