Saturday, 1 October 2016

To Apply Custom Sorting to Column values in Pivot table

Custom Sorting In Pivot Table:

We have order status and the total order amount. The requirement is to show the order amount across the three different order status:


User wants the order status to be sorted in the report as below:


By default, obiee would sort the values in the alphabetical order. Generally sorting is applied from left to right, therefore the column for which custom sorting has to be applied should be placed in the left. Status is sorted using sort column in which the sorting order is defined and it should be placed in the left side.

Order status and total order amount  result

add sort column at the last and without applying sort-check criteria

Pivot Table:

To Apply Custom Sorting to Column values in Pivot table

Custom Sorting In Pivot Table:

We have order status and the transactional amount. The requirement is to show the transactional amount across the three different order status:


User wants the order status to be sorted in the report as below:


By default, obiee would sort the values in the alphabetical order. Generally sorting is applied from left to right, therefore the column for which custom sorting has to be applied should be placed in the left. Status is sorted using sort column in which the sorting order is defined and it should be placed in the left side.

Order status and total order amount  result

column formula - sort (pic)

add sort column at the last and without applying sort-check criteria

Pivot Table: